Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Secret to Successful Ad Sales in Rural America 

With hairdressers, it’s imperative
they understand isthmus, coax them away
from the nape of the neck. With car dealers,
be a bigger beast. Pitch the negative space
of the moon to a veterinarian. Take a walk.
Sometimes a client’s name will say itself
out of the tall grass or a blackbird.
With Indian tribes talk about the non-competition
of grasshoppers. Four o’clock is best.
In this town, people advertise only if they like you.
Once I sold a light in the window for $50,000.
 Are you discouraged? You must love them
more than they love themselves. 
If a prospect is rude tell them to go race a rainbow.
Imagine the eye lashes of your horse.
Pale against the dark. Say again and again,
I am a good person. Horses talk with their ears.
If the local hairdresser says $20 is too much
for a month of exposure to the shimmer of May say,
If you don’t have the money, I’ll give you the words.

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